Industry Analysts Group:
The audience for this one-hour presentation was professionals from many functions interested in augmenting their corporate intelligence skills. The focus was on how to quickly learn and execute state-of-the-art intelligence practices.
Professional Association:
The 500+ attendees were corporate intelligence professionals. We focused on how to overcome common barriers to generating and leveraging insight.
Senior Executives of a Global Industrial Firm:
The firm’s senior executives were confronted with a common corporate challenge: how to integrate the extensive functional and departmental expertise into a set of distinctive corporate competencies. This two-hour session provided them a set of analysis and organizational processes to address this challenge.
Members of an Institute:
The audience for this one-hour session was executives and managers from many industries who come together once a year to learn strategy and marketing best-practices. This presentation detailed state-of-the-art practices in crafting marketplace insights and using them to enhance thinking, decision making and action.
Speaking Engagements
Liam Fahey delivers keynote addresses and topic presentations at professional meetings, university conferences and client organization events, workshops and off-site meetings. Topics include competitive strategy, marketing, corporate intelligence, marketplace insight and strategy execution. Topic content typically reflects the research, consulting and executive education experience seen in his books, articles and book chapters. He works with organizations to customize engagements to advance their thinking, decision making and action.
Samples of past keynote speaking engagements include:


Competitive Analysis – The firm was concerned its competitive future might be radically different than its prevailing competitive context. Liam Fahey developed an education experience, using scenarios, to craft alternative competitive futures and derive contingent strategies.
Chemical Products:
End-to-End Marketing Strategy – The firm decided to correct some obvious deficiencies in marketing. Liam Fahey co-developed a multi-year four-day program focused on end-to-end strategic marketing – from analyzing competitive market trends to the details of strategy execution.
Industrial Technology:
Increasing Value to Customers – The firm’s market diagnostics indicated that customers unexpectedly rated its products and services poor compared to rivals. Liam Fahey co-developed a two-day workshop that enabled intact teams to develop and take to market new customer value propositions for several of the firm’s major products.
Professional Services:
Attaining Deeper Insight – The firm established a stretch goal for its analysis teams: to extract greater value from its client analysis projects. Liam Fahey developed a two-day program that walked the analysis teams through all the phases of crafting and leveraging insight and enabled the teams through a series of breakout sessions to apply the learning to specific analysis projects.
Executive Education: Corporations
Liam Fahey has led or participated in executive development and education programs for corporate clients in more than 20 countries in North America, Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia across a range of industries including consumer packaged goods, consumer durables, industrial manufacturing, biosciences, high tech, and financial services. His contribution to each program is customized to address specific client needs and requirements.
Samples of previous engagements include:

Introduction to Strategic Thinking:
Detailed what strategic thinking is (and is not), provided many examples of strategic thinking in practice, identified key organizational impediments to strategic thinking and how to overcome them, and connected strategic thinking to strategy choices, decisions and actions.
Strategic Management Principles and Practices:
Described the core components of strategic management and what it means to manage simultaneously multiple strategy types, identified unavoidable trade-offs in strategy choices, and, reviewed and assessed the strategic management practices adopted by leading-edge firms.
Projecting and Assessing Competitor Change:
Documented how to identify current, emerging and potential competitors and provided analysis frameworks to detect, assess and project competitors’ strategies and likely strategic moves.
Alternative Competitive Futures:
Illustrated how scenarios can be used to craft distinctly different alternative competitive futures and how to use each scenario to identify and assess potential marketplace opportunities and risks. Then showed how to stress-test the firm’s current and potential strategies in each scenario.
Executive Education: Universities
Liam Fahey has led or participated in executive development and education programs for corporate clients in more than 20 countries in North America, Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia across a range of industries including consumer packaged goods, consumer durables, industrial manufacturing, biosciences, high tech, and financial services. His contribution to each program is customized to address specific client needs and requirements.
Samples of previous engagements include:

Specialist Business-to-Business Company:
Developed a five-year strategic plan. Designed teams to conduct analysis of all the firm’s key product-markets, project alternatives futures around the industry, craft and evaluate alternative strategies, choose a preferred strategy, and lay out an action play to turn the strategy into reality.
Financial Services Firm:
Conducted marketplace analysis to identify significant emerging market opportunities and recommended how the current strategy could be adapted to avail of specific opportunities over a three-year period.
Industrial Technology Firm:
Served as external advisor to a market intelligence group that aimed to transform its deliverables and value for a wide range of both internal and external corporate stakeholders. Identified new customized outputs that became standard inputs in a variety of decision making forums.
Consumer Goods Corporation:
Provided a framework to guide development of a competitive game over five years involving four competitors; reviewed structures and content of each competitor background “briefing book”; designed follow-up debrief engagement with each competitor team; identified implications of the game outputs for specific current and emerging strategic decisions.
Advisory and Consulting Services
Liam Fahey’s advisory and consulting work helps firms develop and sustain the organizational capability to win in increasingly turbulent competitive environments. The work can involve the entire organization, multiple teams or individuals.
Samples of previous advisory engagements include: